Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Earth is getting warmer

I can't say if I personally am intelligent, but I enjoy listening to those who obviously are. Dr. Stephen Chu, US Secretary of Energy, certainly is, and I recommend strongly that you go to YouTube and search for "Stephen Chu" and watch and learn. I just listened to his 13 minute talk about the Citizens Briefing Book, and it was facinating.
Our planet is warming. That's a measurable, observable fact. I believe and accept that this is true.
We, the people on this planet, do affect the warming. We do not know the extent of our effect, but our effect is real. Our effect is something we can change (if we want to).
Change is natural. The planet has been colder and warmer in the past without any help from us. We have some theories as to exactly why - cooling caused by volcano eruptions or meteor impact or sun cycles - warming caused by sun cycles, natural greenhouse gasses - but we aren't sure what caused the cycles. Perhaps the planet has a natural feedback system - as the temperature goes up it releases particulates (lava) into the air to reflect sunlight away, lowering the temperature (creating an ice age?). Or perhaps it is random - normally the steady state temperature would be high, but occasionally a meteor hits and the again the resulting particulates reflect sunlight and cool the planet, which then begins to warm slowly again. I don't know. No one does. Change is natural.
Idiots are boring. Thank goodness they know it all - I'm sure they will take good care of the rest of us. Some examples from the gallery:
"Crackpot science for ignorant people." (from the same group that said Galeleo was wrong)
"global warming is a fraud." (from the same group that thought the Earth was flat)
"What you and others are doing is trying to repeat something over and over so people will believe it; then it'll be easier to sock them with a carbon tax." (from the same group that believe in trickle down economics)

I'm ranting. I'll stop now.

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