Monday, October 13, 2008

Letter from Illinois - Part 5

From Joes' Letter:
We've all seen the emails about Obama's genealogy, his upbringing, his Muslim background, and his church affiliations. Let's ignore this for a moment. Put it all aside. Then ask yourself, 'What qualifies this man to be my president? That he's a brilliant orator and talks about change?'


From me:
I discussed the qualifications and what change means in Part 4, so I won't repeat that here. But I must respond to these other false allegations.
Joe, I'm disappointed in you. Obama's life story is an open book available for anyone to read. We know his genealogy, and it is just fine, thank you very much.
What is it about his upbringing that doesn't suit you?
Does it bother you at all that he has no Muslim background? Not even a little bit. How much would it bother you if he really did have a Muslim background?!?
And good grief Charlie Brown - in the recent past church affiliations have been a job requirement for presidents - now being affiliated with a church is a liability?
All of this is just sewer talk, maintained in the cesspool that is talk radio. It has all been debunked - it's all unsubstantiated and unwarranted. That you or anyone else believes any of this junk is beyond comprehension.

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